With the quality of member is attached the ecclesiastical duty. Any privilege of membership is counterbalanced by the corresponding duty.

The Christian duty is the whole of the obligations of the member in the spiritual, moral, social and economic order vis-à-vis the Church and the other members or new converts of the congregation. These obligations are as follows:

  1. Respect the spirit and the words of the Constitution.
  2. Respect the traditional principles of the Church.
  3. Vote in elections without constraint.
  4. Pay tithes and offerings.
  5. Learn and improve.
  6. Respect and protect the heritage of the Church.
  7. Scrupulously respect the funds and property of the Church.
  8. Respect the property of others.
  9. Work for the maintenance of peace among all.
  10. Provide assistance to brothers and sisters in need or in danger.
  11. Mutually respect each other.

Pray and support spiritually and financially the pastor and his family.

Support the Church by regularly attending services and other meetings organized by the Church.

The derogation from the above prescriptions entails the reprimand by the titular Pastor.

 In the event of a repeated derogation from the above prescriptions, the pastor and the Diaconate of the Church will sit to redress the accused.

The members, without any distinction of sex and marital status, ­aged eighteen years, can exercise their ecclesiastical rights, if they fulfill the other conditions met by the Constitution.

The members of the Church are all equal before the Constitution subject to the rights conferred on the elected members of the Church by the members.